Julius Caesar 

Julius Caesar was born in 102 B. C. He was the son of a noble family. When he was very young, he joined the Roman Army and became a very good soldier.

At that time, Roman was divided. Quarrels among the rulers were weakening the State. Ceaser decided to help Rome to become great again. To do this, he had to gain power, and he gained this power by his success in war. 

He was sent to conquer the Gauls, the people who ruled most of Europe at that time. These Gauls helped by the people of Britain, had attacked land belonging to Rome. Ceaser conquered Britain first and left an Army there so that the British would not try to fight again or send help to Gauls. Then Caeser conquered the Gauls. 

Caeser's success made some people in Rome jealous of him. These people were afraid that Caeser, helped by such a great and successful Army would become the most powerful man in Rome. They began to pass laws against Caeser and plan to attack him on his return. 

Caeser decided to take his Army to Rome to help him against his enemies. Pompey, who was Career's chief enemy, fled from Rome with some of his friends when they heard that Caeser was coming. Caeser won Rome and later he defeated Pompey in battle. 

Pompey fled to Egypt and was murdered there by his followers. Caerser then conquered Egypt and from Egypt he went on to new conquest in Asia. 

He was made dictator for life by the Senate. A dictator is a ruler who has complete power to rule the country as he wishes. The Senate made the laws and was rather like the Mordern parliament so, as dictator, Caeser could rule without the Senate.

This gave him the chance he wanted to reform the Roman Government. But many people became jealous of him. Some felt that he had too much power and wanted to be a king. So these people plotted against Caeser and in 44 B. C. They murdered him in the Senate House. 

These were the great achievements of Julius Caesar:

1. He conquered lands for the Roman Empire - Among these lands were Gaul and

2. He made a new, better system of taxation. He made the poor pay little and the rich pay more. 

3. He reorganize the corn supply so that corn was shared fairly among the people 

4. Caeser made rules so that only the best man could be magistrates, not just those who belongs to noble families or those who offered bribes so that they would be chosen. 

5. He made the Roman Calendar. We use the same Calendar today, and the Month July is named after Julius Caesar. 

6. In Caeser's time, men learn to drain marshes and he encouraged them to grow crops. 

7. He wrote books which are still read today in schools and which have helped us to know about the history of Rome.