Twitter, after Facebook has been one of the popular social media platform in Nigeria and has been instrumental in politics, religion, social, economy, human right awareness, other activities in Nigeria. 

Twitter was scripted to blacklist accounts emanating violence, defamation, pornography, other anti social activities. This was contained in the platform's policy and community standards. 

Nigeria's President Mohammedu Buhari twitted Civil War threats with a unpresidential tone which compelled twitter to erase the statements from its platform. The president made the Comment earlier days of June. However, the threat tweets was removed on Thursday. On Friday 4th June, the despotic president Buhari issued a direct order banning the social media platform from operating in Nigeria. Issues warning to Facebook, others. 

However, Nigerians have condemned the act and vowed to pressure and brought the dictator to its knee. 

Nigerians have also devised another means to access the platform by application of VPN (virtual private network) A tool which mask internet location. 

1. Below shows some VPN one can use to access Twitter in Nigeria 

2. This is another alternative to use twitter in Nigeria without the application of virtual private network (VPN) 

Note: Remove the PROXIES before you log out to another twitter account.